Thank You!

Thank you to our many grownups who have volunteered for our upcoming field trips! I am happy to say that our class has more than enough volunteers at this time for both the Leighton Centre and Teacher's Pet. It is because of all of our wonderful volunteers that we can continue to provide amazing experiences for our students. Per Mrs. Taylor's email, some classes are still looking for volunteers for their upcoming off-site activities. If you are available for any of those dates/times, please let the office know. We would love to have you! 

If you have not yet signed the permission slip for the Leighton Centre, please do so and send it back with your child on Monday. 

We have had many class conversations recently about friendship, kindness, and keeping our hands to ourselves. Our class strives to be role models within the school and we have been working on asking to play with others, expressing our feelings politely, solving problems with our words (not our hands), and reaching out for help from an adult when needed. If you could support us in this endeavour by having conversations with your child about staying within their own personal bubble and staying out of others, that would be greatly appreciated. 

As always, be sure to read Mrs. Taylor's emails in full to stay up to date on school-wide information. 

Fun lunch- Coming up on May 26th. Please order on Healthy Hunger by May 21st. 

This week: 
Wednesday- Library books due
Thursday- Homework due
Friday- NO SCHOOL (PD Day)