Happy Mother's Day

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day celebrating yourself as moms, your partners, your own moms, your grandmothers, and any other mother figure in you and your children's lives. 

Please read below for what we have been up to in class and some important dates for future events. 

Writing- We will continue on with writing event/climbing stories. Students have worked hard to hone their skills writing great beginnings and we are now moving into writing about the main event. We will be practicing this in class and in the week's homework. 

Math- Students have been working on a 3D shapes project while also working on their fact fluency. In early April they set a class goal of getting over 400 problems correct collectively and in the last week of the month they achieved this goal! We celebrated by spending some extra time outside in the sunshine. I have loved to see their perseverance, dedication, and commitment to improving their skills and working as a group to reach this goal. As we now move into May, we will be setting goals for improving our subtraction scores as well. Be sure to practice these facts with your child at home to strengthen their math foundation before grade 3. 

Science- Room 15 has now finished our unit on Exploring Liquids and will soon be moving on to boats and buoyancy. Stay tuned for some exciting events and projects related to this new unit. 

Upcoming Field Trips: 

1) Thursday, May 26th 9am-11:15am In-School 

2) Tuesday, May 31st All Day Leighton Art Centre

If you are available to volunteer for either of these field trips, please send me an email ASAP. 

Thursday, May 12th is Kindergarten Orientation. If you have a child entering Kindergarten in the fall, please plan to be at the school from 6:30-7:30pm. 

This week: 
Wednesday- Library books due
Friday- Homework due