Hello parents! There are lots of quick information items to share so please read everything below. I am, as always, available via email if you have any questions or concerns before the winter break.
Homework- Last week's homework will continue into this week. Magnet projects are due on Friday, along with the other homework. That is also when we will have our last spelling test before the break. New this year, students will be given some homework to complete between December 12th and January 7th. I would like to emphasize that the break should be a time for quality family time and a chance for students to unwind. Therefore, please try to work on homework on school days only.
Healthy Hunger- Our final fun lunch will be on Thursday, December 16th. It is viaCibo. Please order online on the healthy hunger website before the deadline.
Food Bank Donations- LRD is collecting non-perishable food items for the food bank. If you would like to make a donation, please send your child with the item to give to me. Please make sure the item is brand new and something that will not go bad (eg. cereal, crackers, pasta, soup, etc.)
Wednesday- Library books due
Friday- Homework due; Magnet projects due
Coming up...
Monday Dec. 13th- Fancy/FORMAL Christmas Attire
Tuesday Dec 14th- Casual Christmas Lights Colours
Wednesday Dec 15th- Casual Santa hat, antlers, elf hats
Thursday Dec 16th- Christmas Sweaters
Friday Dec 17th- Casual Pyjama Day!