
I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween, if you celebrate. And I hope that everyone is excited for the coming winter months! 

Since we have now had the first snowfall, please remember to send your child to school with everything they need to be safe and warm outside. This includes snow pants, a warm jacket, a hat, mittens/gloves, and appropriate footwear. We will continue to go outside for snack time, lunch, and Phys. Ed. so it is very important that your child has the appropriate clothing for these activities. 

Please also keep in mind that EVERY Monday is a formal uniform day. Students are not to wear leggings with their uniform on any day of the week. We are working to have perfect uniforms every day. If your child comes home with a blue piece of paper, please take note of what was missing or incorrect about their uniform. If you have questions about uniforms please send me an email and I will be happy to clarify. 

Room 15 had so much fun with various art projects and our Halloween activities this week. On Monday, students earned the opportunity to draw on our temporary construction wall. Throughout the week, they worked on making growing patterns and making art for our Remembrance Day assembly. And on Friday, we learned all about bats, and had a dance party in our costumes! 

Monday- FORMAL UNIFORM (Filming the assembly)
Wednesday- Library books due
Friday- Homework due

How is October ending already?

If you would like your child to get photo retakes done on Monday, you MUST email me to let me know. 

Grade 2 students are preparing to put on the Remembrance Day assembly. It will be another virtual assembly and available to parents before November 11th. Our class has been practicing In Flanders Fields to recite, and preparing LOTS of artwork to showcase in the bulletin boards and the video. Ask your child if they remember the poem! 

Writing: We have been brainstorming triple-scoop words to use in our writing to replace boring words. Students looked at examples of boring words and how we could make them even better. They read stories that show examples of triple-scoop words and practiced replacing boring words with triple-scoop words in their own writing. Check out the "pictures" page to see examples of triple-scoop words. 

Math: We have just completed a unit on repeating patterns and will be moving on to growing patterns this week. I encourage students to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to complete the pattern math homework so that they can learn it in class first. 

Reading: Many reading groups have continued learning about how to read with expression- not like robots! 

Social Studies: In continuing our exploration of Meteghan, Iqaluit, and Saskatoon, students have learned about various landforms and bodies of water in each location. Ask your child what landforms there are in Iqaluit and what bodies of water are near Meteghan!

Science: We have compared spiders and ants and will soon be moving on to bats and bees in our study of small flying and crawling animals. Buzzzzzzzz

Gym: This week we had the opportunity to participate in adventure running! Classes in all grades practiced their endurance running, learned how to properly read a map, and follow it to collect clues and solve a mystery word.

Coming up in Room 15...

Monday- Photo retakes; Formal uniform
Wednesday- Library books due; Fun lunch
Friday- Homework due



SCHOOL PHOTO ORDERS ARE DUE (online at www.platinumphotography.ca) ON OCTOBER 19th. Please send me an email if you would like your child's password to look this weekend. Otherwise, your child's proofs will be sent home on Tuesday and MUST be ordered that day to avoid a late charge. I understand this is VERY short notice, and appreciate the understanding. 

Reading- All students continue to work on their reading skills at their personal level. All students reviewed the sounds that letters j, k, and l make. They also started looking at the 5 jobs of silent e.
Writing- Students continue to work on narrative stories. This past week they wrote about an important adult in their life. Students are learning how to check their own work to make sure their sentences make sense. (Do they have a noun, verb, and adjective? Do they start with an uppercase and end with end punctuation?)
Math- Room 15 students worked on math centres this week. They included practice counting by 2s starting at 1, creating and extending patterns, solving math problems using a picture and number sentence, and drawing base ten blocks. 
Social- We continued our exploration of Meteghan, Saskatoon, and Iqaluit by studying the landforms and bodies of water surrounding Iqaluit. 
Science- Students watched videos and read books to do research about ants. See the picture below for an example of the information they pulled from just 1 video!

This week: 
Monday- PD DAY 
Tuesday- School picture orders due!! (ONLINE)
Wednesday- Library Books due back
Friday- Homework due; Spelling test

Happy Thanksgiving!

I feel like I'm always saying how busy our week was, but there is always so much to do and learn in Room 15! 

This week, we got our hands a little dirty with some abstract art! Students learned about different kinds of lines and how they can represent different feelings. They practiced with straight, curved, and angled lines and then made some original abstract art. Their art was painted during a relaxing afternoon listening to music. Their painting process was captured in photos below.  

This week was also our first trip to the "Learning Commons" for book exchange. Because certain areas of our school are under construction, and the learning commons is being used as the office, their book selection looked a little different. BUT! All students were so excited that they could still pick out a book. They even got to try out the new couches in our common space! As you can see, they clearly enjoy the break and it makes my teacher heart so happy to see them enjoy reading. 

I'm sure this week will prove just as busy as last week with no school on Monday and lots more learning to do! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning. 

Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday- Library books due back
Friday- Homework due

Teacher's Pet

This past week, students participated in Teacher's Pet. They learned about early Acadians- a French population that now lives across the East Coast, including Meteghan, NS. 

Students made butter, explored raw wool that could be turned to yarn, played charades as they learned about chores on the farm, played BINGO about chores, transportation, and jobs, painted lighthouses in the colours of the Acadian flag, and learned to play the wooden spoons. It was an amazing morning of hands-on learning! 

Enjoy some pictures of their activities below.

They also learned about Orange Shirt Day, and the reasons why they matter. Students learned about the tragedies of Residential Schools, and why we take time to acknowledge and reconcile with Indigenous populations. Students were very receptive to these conversations and I am hopeful they will continue throughout the year. 

There is another Fun Lunch coming up on October 27th. Sign up and order on the Healthy Hunger website.

Friday- PD DAY No school for students