Happy Thanksgiving!

I feel like I'm always saying how busy our week was, but there is always so much to do and learn in Room 15! 

This week, we got our hands a little dirty with some abstract art! Students learned about different kinds of lines and how they can represent different feelings. They practiced with straight, curved, and angled lines and then made some original abstract art. Their art was painted during a relaxing afternoon listening to music. Their painting process was captured in photos below.  

This week was also our first trip to the "Learning Commons" for book exchange. Because certain areas of our school are under construction, and the learning commons is being used as the office, their book selection looked a little different. BUT! All students were so excited that they could still pick out a book. They even got to try out the new couches in our common space! As you can see, they clearly enjoy the break and it makes my teacher heart so happy to see them enjoy reading. 

I'm sure this week will prove just as busy as last week with no school on Monday and lots more learning to do! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning. 

Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday- Library books due back
Friday- Homework due