There are lots of things coming up for students and parents to be aware of, so please read this page thoroughly and watch your e-mails for any information. 

If you have sent in your forms and money for Willy Wonka tickets, you will be receiving your tickets the week of April 18th. It is a time-consuming process to assign all of the seats, and your physical ticket is required on the night of, so they will go out the week of the play. Rest assured, that all forms given to me have been brought to the office and time stamped, so seats can be assigned first-come, first-serve despite tickets all being handed out at the same time. 

Math- Students have been making goals for their mad minute addition. They have spent some time graphing their results and we have made personal and class goals, with steps on how we'll improve our fact fluency. You will notice there are mad minutes in the homework, and their class mad minutes will be going home starting this week so you can see how your child is doing and which facts are automatic and which are not. 

Writing- We have been working on developing our great beginnings, including an Action, Sound, Question, or Dialogue, then building on it to introduce the character and setting of the story. 

Social- Students have been looking at pictures of Calgary in the past and comparing them to the present. We are looking at how and why Calgary has changed and will soon be looking specifically at how the geography of the area has shaped its growth. 

Science- We continue to study and explore liquids! Students learned a lot about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and brainstormed what they could do to make a different for the water quality and animals in the ocean!

This week: 

Wednesday- Library books due
Thursday- Homework due; FORMAL EASTER CLOTHES (for those who celebrate) 
Friday- NO SCHOOL (Good Friday)