Upcoming Assembly!

This week we focused a lot on practicing for our amazing Willy Wonka performance! I am so proud of how well everyone performed on Thursday night. It was wonderful to have parents congregate once again to celebrate their accomplishments. 

There is no rest for grade 2, though, as we will now be moving along to practicing for our character assembly about fairness! Students are encouraged to practice their songs at home. The song is HERE and the lyrics are HERE and in the homework for them to practice. If your child was assigned as an emcee, they have brought a script home to practice. Our assembly will be on May 2nd, and will be recorded for parents to watch at home. 

Our assembly practice will be accompanied, of course, by lots of learning! Students will be working on their climbing stories, returning to learning about 3D shapes in math, continuing with their learning about communities in the past in social studies, and finishing up our unit on Liquids in science. 

Next week: 
Wednesday- Library books due
Friday- Homework due 

Willy Wonka Week

The week of the performance is finally here! 

Last week we had so much fun with rehearsals and Spring art! 

This week will be busy with many more rehearsals for Willy Wonka during the school day, culminating in our performance on Thursday night!

Students need to be at First Alliance Church between 6:00 and 6:15pm on Thursday evening. They cannot perform if they arrive late! Students are so excited to show you what they have been working on. 

Wednesday- Library books due
Thursday- Willy Wonka performance- school all day, then First Alliance Church at 6pm
Friday- Homework due

There are lots of things coming up for students and parents to be aware of, so please read this page thoroughly and watch your e-mails for any information. 

If you have sent in your forms and money for Willy Wonka tickets, you will be receiving your tickets the week of April 18th. It is a time-consuming process to assign all of the seats, and your physical ticket is required on the night of, so they will go out the week of the play. Rest assured, that all forms given to me have been brought to the office and time stamped, so seats can be assigned first-come, first-serve despite tickets all being handed out at the same time. 

Math- Students have been making goals for their mad minute addition. They have spent some time graphing their results and we have made personal and class goals, with steps on how we'll improve our fact fluency. You will notice there are mad minutes in the homework, and their class mad minutes will be going home starting this week so you can see how your child is doing and which facts are automatic and which are not. 

Writing- We have been working on developing our great beginnings, including an Action, Sound, Question, or Dialogue, then building on it to introduce the character and setting of the story. 

Social- Students have been looking at pictures of Calgary in the past and comparing them to the present. We are looking at how and why Calgary has changed and will soon be looking specifically at how the geography of the area has shaped its growth. 

Science- We continue to study and explore liquids! Students learned a lot about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and brainstormed what they could do to make a different for the water quality and animals in the ocean!

This week: 

Wednesday- Library books due
Thursday- Homework due; FORMAL EASTER CLOTHES (for those who celebrate) 
Friday- NO SCHOOL (Good Friday) 

Felting, Assembly, WILLY WONKA!

Thank you, SO MUCH to our amazing volunteers who came in on Tuesday to help with felting! All of their art looks amazing! Check out the "pictures" page to see the process. 

School time is becoming increasingly busy with our Willy Wonka production fast approaching. Please have your child practice all of their assigned songs (posted to Mrs. Hawkins' blog page HERE) in anticipation of their performance on April 21st. 

Speaking of the concert, if you have not already handed in your ticket form, please do so early this week. There is a spot at the bottom to check off if you will not be attending, therefore ALL students should be bringing this form back. Tickets are $5 each with a limit of 4 tickets per family. 

We also have our own assembly coming up in early May. A video of this performance will be sent to grade 2 parents afterwards, so you have that to look forward to! Students in grade 2 are also performing a song about Fairness for this assembly. Scroll down to the last post to access the link to practice that. 

We continue to strive for perfect formal uniforms every Monday. We have not had 100% success in quite a while. Remember, golf shirts are not  to be worn on formal days- dress shirts only! We are also taking our rooftop photo (students on the lawn, photographer on the roof) on Monday. Formal uniform is extra important for this reason. 

If your child participates in Ramadan, they are invited to wear their formal Ramadan attire on Friday, April 8th. If you do not participate in Ramadan, then your child is to wear their uniform. 
If your child will be FASTING in any capacity for Ramadan, please email me to let me know, so I can support your child in this while they are at school. If they will be fasting, then they will be participating in alternate activities during recess and Gym to avoid dehydration and exhaustion, depending on the weather and activity. 

Wednesday- Library books due
Friday- Homework due; Ramadan clothing