Hello Room 15 families, 

I hope everyone had a restful and family-filled (extended) break! I enjoyed spending time with my dog, Simon, and seeing some family over the holidays. 

I understand that there may be some concerns about returning to in-person learning, which makes it even more important to make sure you are keeping your child home if they have ANY signs and symptoms of illness, even if they have tested negative.  I am excited to see everyone face-to-face and engage in meaningful learning together. 

Homework for this coming week has been posted. It is due on Friday, January 17th, when we will have our spelling test, as usual. 

Please remember formal uniforms every Monday and to send your child with all necessary outdoor gear. Even as the weather warms, students will be outside for recess and lunch and must have snow pants, jackets, hats, mittens, boots, etc. to stay warm and comfortable as the snow melts and wind blows. 

Please check your email and ask your child about information related to the upcoming Spring production of Willy Wonka. Auditions will begin this week for those who are interested in having a speaking role. 

Wednesday- Library book exchange continues
Thursday- Willy Wonka auditions at lunch
Friday- Homework due