Report Cards Available!

 Hello Room 15 families!

Report cards are available online from February 1st-4th. Please PRINT your child's report card as they are only available online for those days. 

Tuesday, February 1st is LUNAR NEW YEAR! If your family celebrates this holiday, students are invited to wear their FORMAL FANCY CELEBRATION outfits on Tuesday. All other students are expected to wear their uniform. 

Speaking of uniforms, please make sure your child is in their uniform every day (unless otherwise specified). This includes a crested shirt, cardigan, or sweater. Tights must be navy blue (not black). 

Make sure to read the February newsletter and calendar that was sent via School Messenger to stay up to date on all school events. 

In our classroom...

Writing- We have continued our instructional/how-to writing, and will continue with that next week. 

Math- Students have started working on 2-digit addition and subtraction. They use base 10 blocks and traditional algorithm to solve problems with and without regrouping. We will continue this next week, as well as looking at some more graphs.

Social- This week, we will finish up our Saskatoon unit and start some inquiry to show their learning.

Science- Last week we looked at the effects of applying hot or cold to various objects, comparing reactions to temperatures (freezing vs. melting, burning, or cooking). We will continue our hot and cold unit this week by comparing temperatures of places around our school. 

Character- Room 15 has been focusing on what it means to be KIND. They were reminded about how to be a bucket filler (not a dipper), wrote recipes for Friendship Pie, and How To be a Good Friend, and were challenged to play with people they wouldn't normally play with to make new friends. 

Stay tuned for more learning to come!

Tuesday- Report cards available online
Wednesday- Library books due
Friday- Homework due

Lots of Updates...

 Hello Room 15 families, 

There are lots of updates for the new year so please read through this post in its entirety. 

1) Uniforms- it is very important that students are wearing all proper uniform pieces. On formal uniform days, this includes a white dress shirt, NOT a white golf shirt. Leggings are not allowed any day. 

2) Homework- I have noticed that some students are getting complacent with their homework. Homework is designed to be a practice of skills and concepts learned in class. This practice is important in solidifying new skills. Therefore, homework should be completed to the best of the student's ability- not rushed through just to get it done. I have also noticed that homework is not being dated. The dates help me find the week's homework quickly when marking. 

3) Scholastic newsletters are going home with your child's homework. If you are in the market for new children's books for your home, please use our classroom code (RC637365) when checking out on This will earn our classroom back money, which I use to buy books for students at the end of the year. (You also get free shipping if you spend $35 or more!) 

4) Auditions for our class, for the school play, are happening on Monday. If your child wishes to audition, they are asked to memorize the lines (posted below) for their audition. Spots in the play are limited. If they audition, they should find out by Thursday of this week if they have been given a role. 

Math- See pictures below of our work on concrete graphs! Students have also been working hard on pictographs. 

Writing- We have started instructional writing last week. They use a "what, what, how" method to explain, in detail how to do something. (What are you teaching the reader, what materials do you need, and how do you do it).

Science- We are now deep into our hot and cold unit, which has mostly focused so far on how to read thermometers and use them to compare situations. 

Social Studies- We are finishing our unit on Saskatoon this week, finishing up learning about their deep Ukrainian culture, language, and history. 

This week at a glance: 

Monday: Formal uniform
Wednesday: Library books due
Friday: Homework due; spelling test 

Spring Production

 Hello Room 15 families, 

Auditions for the spring production of Willy Wonka will start next week. Please click HERE to view the parent letter and audition form if your child is interested in a speaking role. 

Thank you!

 Hello Room 15 families, 

I hope everyone had a restful and family-filled (extended) break! I enjoyed spending time with my dog, Simon, and seeing some family over the holidays. 

I understand that there may be some concerns about returning to in-person learning, which makes it even more important to make sure you are keeping your child home if they have ANY signs and symptoms of illness, even if they have tested negative.  I am excited to see everyone face-to-face and engage in meaningful learning together. 

Homework for this coming week has been posted. It is due on Friday, January 17th, when we will have our spelling test, as usual. 

Please remember formal uniforms every Monday and to send your child with all necessary outdoor gear. Even as the weather warms, students will be outside for recess and lunch and must have snow pants, jackets, hats, mittens, boots, etc. to stay warm and comfortable as the snow melts and wind blows. 

Please check your email and ask your child about information related to the upcoming Spring production of Willy Wonka. Auditions will begin this week for those who are interested in having a speaking role. 

Wednesday- Library book exchange continues
Thursday- Willy Wonka auditions at lunch
Friday- Homework due

School Delayed for Students

 Hello Room 15 families, 

As you have likely heard by now, classes have been delayed for students until Monday, January 10th. Please enjoy this additional week as a family. I am excited to see everyone again soon!

- Ms. MacDonald