Homework has begun!

We are full force back into the school year. It is extra important that you are checking the homework page AND reading these posts in full every week so as not to miss any important notes for your child's education. 

I try to keep them short and sweet, while also keeping you in the loop about what we have been doing in the classroom. 


Writing- Students have started working on writing using their 5 senses. We will continue with this for the next couple weeks. They have also been introduced to the stages of writing- planning, drafting, editing, and sharing. 

Reading- Literacy centres have started, where students explore different elements of reading. These include listening to reading, reading with a partner, manipulating words, playing word games, and practice writing. 

Math- We have started work on patterns. Last week we looked at sorting by 2 attributes, and now we are reviewing naming and describing patterns with 3-5 elements. 

Science- Students brainstormed and sorted various crawling, slithering, and flying animals. Then, we dove into looking at spiders. Our class drew a spider and labelled its parts. 

Social Studies- We have worked on mapping skills- identifying North, East, South, and West and reading elements of maps, such as legends and keys. We have looked at maps of the world and of Canada and talked about the difference between a neighbourhood, city, province/territory, and country. 


Toonies for Terry- This Thursday, Sept. 23rd is our annual Terry Fox walk. Students are invited to bring in toonies to contribute to our school's donation to the Terry Fox foundation. If you would like to donate $20 or more and receive a tax receipt, please click HERE

Field Trip- Our first field trip is on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd to Granary Road. If you have volunteered to come with us please arrive at the school for 8:00am so we can leave on time. All volunteers have been sent an email with additional details. You must park on the street as all spots in our lot and Fairview's lot are spoken for. 

Love of Reading- Please see post below for more information. Click HERE to donate. 

Fun Lunch: Sign up on the Healthy Hunger website to participate in fun lunch this year. The first one will be on Thursday, Sept. 23rd. Please send your child with a snack, even if you have ordered lunch. 


Thursday- Terry Fox; Fun lunch 
Friday- PD DAY- No school