Grade Two... Which Shoe?


Hello Room 15 families!

We have now officially had our first week of grade two for the 2021-2022 school year and, I may be biased, but I think is was AMAZING! You should be so proud of your child's resiliency, attitude, and effort already. We have an outstanding class and I am so excited for everyone to become great friends and learn together throughout the year. 

Please be sure to check this blog regularly- both the home page (here) and the homework page (click the tab at the top that says "homework"). Important notices and information will always be shared on the blog, but might not be emailed. We are counting on you, as parents, to stay in the loop using this blog. 

Speaking of important notices...

- Meet the Teacher is a virtual night, which will be THIS THURSDAY at 6:30pm. I will be repeating the same information at 7pm if you have a younger child at Le Roi and need to attend two teacher's sessions. Please email me if you will not be attending until 7pm so I know who to expect for the second presentation. 

- You may have noticed in the Newsletter that we have some field trips already planned and scheduled! We will be needing 5 volunteers for each grade 2 class for Granary Road on September 22nd and 4 volunteers for Teacher's Pet (in-school field trip) on September 28th. If you would like to volunteer for either of these special days, you must already have your police clearance. We will need many more volunteers later in the year if you do not have your clearance and would like to get it for the future. Call the school if you are not sure if you have it or not. Send me an email if you are cleared and would like to volunteer. Make sure you list which field trip you would like to volunteer for. If we can more volunteers than necessary for our class, you may be asked to help in another grade 2 class. 

- Homework will be starting during the week of September 13th. All homework should be completed in the notebook that will be sent home in their purple communication folder. More details about homework expectations will be shared during the Meet the Teacher presentation. 

- Please send in your start-of-year forms (given out at Ice Cream Social or sent with your child on the first day of school) if you have not already. These were due last Friday so we need them as soon as possible. 

- I understand that shoe expectations can be confusing... students require 3 pairs of shoes for school. 
1) The first pair, is what they wear to and from school. These shoes should relate to the weather (eg. sneakers on nice days, rain boots on rainy days, boots when it's cold/snowy). 
2) The second pair are black, formal shoes that they change into when they get to school. These shoes stay at school. They are worn all day and need to be ALL black (no coloured markings). 
3) The third pair are running shoes that they change into when Gym is inside. These shoes also stay at school. They need to be something they can run in (not dress shoes, not boots, etc.). They can be any colour but must be non-marking for the Gym floors. 
Feel free to send me an email if you still have questions related to shoes or other uniform expectations. 

I hope you all had a productive and fun labour day! 

- Ms. MacDonald